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I wish I had known there was an update coming out. I would have waited to record this. I can't wait to see the update!

Follow Uneasy Games on FB and Twitter, we post updates often, The link is on the page 

(3 edits)

Grandma 2.0 is available on Windows, Mac and linux

Introducing new voice actor InnocentlyCreating from youtube!!!

if you ever need a British voice actor let me know, would be great to help out :0)

I'll keep that in mind thanks!

Big update coming tonight, be prepared 

Hola amigos, this was a great game and really enoyed it. Hope you amigos like the walkthrough TOO MANY JUMPSCARES | Grandma

thanks for playing, be sure to check out Grandma 2.0 nice video.

I certainly will, what's new with it?

Somehow you have made a good game even better. Well done Scott and Maria! I just had to make another Let's Play for my channel. I did have some slight bugs with the draws and pages (see video for details) but they definitely aren't enough to effect the quality of the game. Can't wait for more like this. :) Thanks Mate!

thank you so much for playing, we are glad you enjoyed the new game, once we get involved in another project after Grandma I'll be sure to notify you.

Nice! Keep it up!

Deleted 1 year ago

thanks for playing but you played the old version which  were not supporting anymore, check out the new game! Much better 

guys just did a gameplay on it was interesting


thanks for playing but check out the new Grandma!! Much scarier

New Mac release fixes bugs

New update released

Fixes main menu

UG likes to announce GRANDMA in VR!!! Coming Soon

New Update!! releases Monday

Deleted 2 years ago

Send your proof of purchase at and will send you a new download.

Deleted 2 years ago

Awesome! if you need any help just let us know, thank you for your purchase :)

Deleted 2 years ago

hello everyone!! Grandma the new release will be up for MAC and Linux soon.. Sorry for the delay, were working hard. 

New Release of Grandma is here!!!

Update: UG will be releasing the New Grandma game as an early access release next week!!

(1 edit)

Great game! with some chilling audio. Although some of the jump scares were too expected.

thanks for playing and thank you for your feedback, be sure to look out for the new version 

Deleted 6 years ago

we apologize for the inconvenience,  the engine that was used for Grandma is having a lot of problems, please be patient for the new version. We are working hard to release the new game soon, thank you for your feedback. 

hey man, i hope this isn't appropriate to ask, but im interested in how you got the effect of the foilage moving in the beginnning of the game! cool game by the way!

hi, the animation is built into Coppercube 5.6

Hey there, the game was quite enjoyable! I can usually handle horror games pretty well, but this one got me good a few times.

 The atmosphere is quite unsettling which is a huge plus when it comes to horror games. I never felt safe at any given moment and the scares occurred at just the right times.

My only gripe with it may be the occasional performance drops despite having a decent system, but they never lasted too long and didn't really detract from the experience.

All in all, it was a  good horror experience that made me feel unsettled and even got me a few times. Keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing what you do next!

Also, I hope you don't mind but I recorded a small "let's play" of the game.


hi, thank you for playing, I appreciate your feedback. I apologize for the poor performance, the engine wasn't the best but be patient for the new version.

No worries, I still had a great experience with the game! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the new version.

hello horror fans!! I'm aware that the game crashes for some people, I do apologize for the inconvenience,  please be patient for the new version.  As always I appreciate everyone thats played the game and hope to see more videos in the future.

You guys are awesome


This game was a lot of fun and achieved what it set out to do! I've found that pretending to be indignant at the ghost helps alleviate the scary factor quite a bit and makes for funny commentary! I noticed from other people's videos that the room with the upside down crosses isn't the end of the game, but the door wouldn't open back up for me once I was in there. My other critique would be to double check the spelling and grammar on the journal pages (things like "could of" instead of "could have"; wrong usage of "their"). Other than that, I had a good time playing this and I'm looking forward to the new version on unity!

(2 edits)

hi!! Thank you for the feedback, the game does lack alot but was made in only two months as a concept. The new version will have a lot more improvements, and seeing all the videos people made  helps a lot as far as seeing what people want and what needs to improve. Thanks for playing and I hope to see you in the new version. 

Also when you go into the cross room, once you grab the key, go to the left cross, it opens the door.

This game is awesome! I can't wait for the switch to the unity engine!

Update coming soon!! 

New Grandma Trailer!!!

I had fun at my trip back to grandma's house! 

Just going over to grandmas house for some milk and cookies. TOTALLY not going to try and save people from hell...nope...

A cool game. Can't wait for the unity updated version. :)

UG is now on kickstarter to attempt to raise funds so that grandma can be on unity and steam.

I WANT MORE!! This game was GREAT!!

thank you for playing, Grandma is currently heading over to unity 3d for better experience plus more.

That's great!


Update:  New level coming in the near future!

Deleted post

follow uneasy games at

To get the latest updates 

Made a video -

(1 edit)

New update is HERE!!!

- hallways are darker to see down.

- changed length of theme in the babies room.

- Changed bugs on face that now move.

- minor bugs fixed

UPDATE: fixing minor bugs and improvements

Update coming soon

This game is good fun! I recommend this to anyone that likes creepy horror with a few jump scares. Awesome audio as well!! :)

I made a let's play on my channel if anyone is interested.

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